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FINSOFT is well designed with user customizable settings

Various Types of TDS Deduction

TDS percentage Setup for various TDS Category along with UIN generation, Certificate No etc

Reports & Intimation Letters

More reports with different Search options, MIS reports, Reports To be submitted to Govt, Intimation Letters to depositors

Who We ARE

The FINSOFT – Fixed Deposit Software powered by Genuine InfoTech Private Limited. GIFT is an emerging ITES [ Information Technology Enabled Service ] Company in South India since 1995, which has technology and process oriented approach as the foundation of all our service offerings. Some of our key domain industries includes Financial Services, Ecommerce, Portals, Schools, Flour Mills, Traders and Complete Web Technology works.


Our mission is to enable superior returns on our clients technology investments through best-in-class industry solutions and domain expertise. And to endure the challenges of evergreen Global demands - ALWAYS.


» Customized Application software development
» Web Applications and Portal Developments
» Educational CD-ROMs , School Software's & MOCK Exams
» IBP & SEO [ Internet Business Promotion & Search Engine Optimisation ]
» BPO - Business Process Outsourcing and Data Processing
» E-Shopping - Online shopping portal for sending gifts to india and buying the products from India around the world [ www.emporiumonnet.com ]


It simplifies companies work who deal with fixed deposits. FINSOFT will provide you an immense number of facilities

Deposit Scheme Creation

Deposit Scheme Creation

Create any number of Deposit schemes with different settings at any time

Interest Calculation

Interest Calculation

Interest rate based on Monthly, Bi Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly for PS and CS

Various Types of TDS

Various Types of TDS

Supports PAN No based TDS Deduction and special TDS Category Updation

Deposit Closing / Renewal

Deposit Closing / Renewal

Supports Normal Deposit closing, Premature deposit closing and Renewal of deposit

Deposit Certificate Printing

Deposit Certificate Printing

Track the no of times the certificate was printed & having duplicate certificate printing

KYC Details

KYC Details

Able to maintain the KYC and Bank details of Depositors and brokers

User Privileges

User Privileges

Each and every entry is recorded with the user details who has done it



Cash transaction settings, Deposit amount settings, Deposit interest period settings etc

Interest Provisions Posting

Interest Provisions Posting

Interest Provisions posting can be done at end of each month based Interest payment mode

Loan Aganist Deposits

Loan Aganist Deposits

Get Loan based on % from deposit amount based on scheme.Penal Interest applicable



Deposit Mobilisation, Live, Over Due, Unclaimed, Renewal, TDS, Interest Accured, Maturity

Intimation Letters

Intimation Letters

Application Form, Receipt Forwarding, Maturity Intimation, Interest & TDS Certificate

About Finsoft

about fixed deposit software

Fixed Deposit Software

Our FD software can be compatible with different kinds of marketing plans carrying distinct amounts. Obviously, the rates of interest also vary from one plan to another. This unique product of fixed deposit Software by Genuine InfoTech Private Limited will precisely help you in each and every step.

Fixed deposit software generally belongs credit cooperative society and private limited companies as we are much aware of some of the companies that provides us facility to use our fund in better manner where we can save the earning and can get benefit of our amount after investing it for a certain duration of time on the behalf of any agreement like property purchase of gold purchase. On the similar concept many big companies of credit cooperative society. Already working for more than ten years and many of their agreement holder getting benefit. You can call this software a Mini Banking Software as well.

To take a successful decision and to achieve your goal, we offer you a fixed deposit software product demo with their screenshots. For this just fill this Enquiry Form and use your demo product.


Numerous Setting Option

  •   You can create any number of Deposit schemes with different interest settings at any time
  •   Cash transaction limit setting is available
  •   Minimum deposit amount setting is available
  •   Minimum and maximum deposit period setting is available
  •   Premature deposit closure interest rate setting is available
  •   User based roles settings with user tracking
  •   Server optimization to handle huge volume of data's and financial year based data achieves and retrieval
Numerous Setting Option
Easy Maintenance

Easy Maintenance

  •   Depositor details well maintained
  •   Canvasser and commission details can be maintained
  •   Each and every entry is recorded with the user details who has done it
  •   Finsoft is integrated with full fledged accounts module. So there is no need to maintain accounts in a seperate software
  •   Finsoft supports Normal deposit closing, Premature deposit closing and Renewal of deposit
  •   Which is a multi user environment and multi branch with usage environment
  •   Dashboard will be filled with Required notifications, Reports bars, Information on outstanding and displayed as per client requirements

Additional Features

  •   Minimum period for premature closing can be set. Automatic Provision Posting available
  •   For Periodic Interest Scheme, Interest rates for different periods like Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly, Yearly can be set
  •   You have the feature of tracking number of times the certificate was printed. You also have duplicate certificate printing option
  •   Temporary receipt can be provided for the collected deposit amount
  •   Each and every screen & its functions like New entry creation, Editing of existing entry & Deletion of entry can be secured by setting privileges to users
  •   System on proposal is an online and offline workable application, In offline client machines connected to LAN internal network will be possible to work
  •   System will be Responsive Designed, You can use on any digital gadgets
Additional Features

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